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Cheers to a New Year, new beginnings means new flavors of cannabis to help you through the journey of life. Here are the strains of cannabis we paired with each zodiac sign for the week of December 31st through January 6th. May they help with relaxation or motivation or whatever your soul is craving at the beginning of 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

For our Aries, start this year off by slowing down. Before starting any project, study and follow your instructions step by step. Dont skip a beat or perhaps you will find poor results you will have to fix later. The best strain for you to help focus this week will be Sour Diesel, perhaps best known for its creative & energizing effects.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

For our Taurus, start the year off paying attention to relationships and good connections. You & your partner may be differing in views of what to come in the new year. Have a discussion about your future together. The best strain to reach their hearts through a meaningful conversation this week will be Blue Dream.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

For our Geminis, you’re beginning the year with decisions. Whether your deciding between going out or staying in, what to eat for dinner, splitting time for friends or family, you’re going to be faced with making compromises. What better way to decide between your options than the help of Lemon Meringue, which is very well known for giving the user invigorating energy.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

For our Cancers, you’re beginning the new year with a good start. You might find it physically difficult getting around, whether you’re stuck in traffic or bad weather is making you late you’re on the right path. Your health is at the front of your mind, your good start is internal. And the best way to celebrate is giving your brain a warm bath of relaxation with 9LB Hammer.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

For our Leos, you’re starting the year off ambitious. You’re pensive, thinking of the work & reward this year is to bring. You’re focused on the right choice, follow your heart. The best strain for your success this week will be MAC 1.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

For our Virgos, you’re starting the year off leading the pack. Your spring cleaning in January, whether that means metaphorically or literally. You’re in control of your destiny, and you have the mindset to accomplish this week. You just might need the energetic boost from true king of the jungle Animal Face.

Libra (September 23 – October 22):

For our Libras this start of the year is reflective. You may find you’re asking yourself important questions, and you are more than capable of inner breakthrough. You can find understanding in something that could change your entire outlook on life this week. The best way to accept these things is with Obama Kush.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

For our Scorpios, this new year has you feeling frugal. Your mind thinks of all the needs vs. the wants. You’re inclined to save for the best quality things you dream of than fill up on the lesser items. You would be wise to spend time with topshelf such as Icee Blizzard.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

For our Sagittarius, you’re starting the year off with the need for personal freedom. You may be wanting to see someone, some place, something. You feel held back, and kept from doing what you want. Take yourself on a trip physically or mentally, but bring Cinderella 99 with you.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

For our Capricorns, you’re beginning the year with a guide. You may be challenged with a new task & you are nervous to learn something new. However you are being guided in the right direction, though challenged you will find a way to overcome. The best strain to help you handle your new journey is Tropicana Cherry.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

For our Aquarius, the new year means new people & your circle is growing. Whether new bosses, friends, lovers you will find yourself surrounded with new faces. You’re feeling inclined to join a new group or hosting game night at home. The best strain for you to share with is Blue Magoo, a perfect hybrid for anyone.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

For our Pisces, you have big plans at the beginning of this new year. You & your partner whether its love or business will be making grand decisions. You’re in for some conversations that can feel overwhelming or pressured. Wind down at the end of your discussions with Dosi Sherbert.

Embrace the new year, be the best version of yourself. Let the stars guide you towards happiness, prosperity, & all good fortunes.

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