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All mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, helping us adapt to internal and external changes. From the start of life, the ECS helps a fertilized egg implant in the uterus. Throughout our lives, it aids in healing injuries and reducing inflammation. It also helps protect against various cancers, neurological diseases, and nerve damage, and might even slow down aging.

The ECS was discovered in 1990 during research on the cannabis plant, which is why it got its name. Since then, around ten studies have been published, highlighting its importance and complexity. This steady stream of research reflects the excitement and hope among scientists, doctors, and patients.

The ECS acts like a lock and key, regulating biological processes. Understanding the ECS is crucial for managing chronic and debilitating diseases. When properly activated, it can help suppress cancers and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. It also supports the nervous and immune systems, controls pain, reduces inflammation, and promotes the growth of new nerve cells, which is vital for brain recovery and memory enhancement.

The ECS enhances our ability to learn and adapt, a process known as neuroplasticity. It influences how we perceive the world, relate to ourselves, and interact with others. Negative mindsets, like guilt or shame, can harm the body’s defenses, while positive attitudes, often noted by cannabis users, can improve health and well-being. These shifts in perspective can be triggered by endocannabinoids (produced by our bodies) or cannabinoids from plants or labs, activating the ECS to promote better health and vitalityThe human body has many cannabinoid receptors in its cell membranes. These receptors can be activated in three ways: by the body’s own cannabinoids, by plant-based cannabinoids like those in cannabis, or by synthetic cannabinoids. The two main types of cannabinoid receptors are CB1 and CB2. Scientists believe there are three more cannabinoid receptors, but their exact locations and functions are still being studied. For now, these additional receptors are called non-CB1 and non-CB2.


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